[FREE] Five Senses Grounding Worksheet [免费下载]五感法着陆技巧中文版

Grounding techniques help to “ground” us in the present moment.


“Five senses” is a very simple grounding technique that can quickly brings one back to the here and now.


The instruction is fairly self-explanatory:


Identify 1 thing tasted, 2 things smelled, 3 things heard, 4 things touched, and 5 things seen.


For example, “right at this moment, I taste slight saltiness in my mouth, smell scallion and lemon, hear the sound of the podcast, water boiling, and the white noise of the space; I feel my bare feet touching the wood floor, my hair brushing my shoulder, my glasses resting on my nose, and my hand holding chopsticks; I also can see the cooking stove, a non-sticky cooking pan, a bottle of cooking oil, some sliced ginger, and a water bottle.”

I have been using the English version for a long time and only recently realized there doesn’t seem to be one in Simplified Chinese. I therefore created this worksheet FREE to use.


Do feel free to leave a message to share how it works for you. I hope it helps!
