My Writing 文字疗愈

Complementary Healing 辅助疗愈

Complementary healing modalities are used alongside conventional psychotherapy. 辅助疗愈是对心理治疗的补充和协助。 Some common complementary healing methods are: acupuncture, Qigong, massage therapy, herbal medicine, nutritional medicine, yoga and meditation. 一些常见的辅助疗愈包括:针灸、气功、推拿疗法、草药医学、营养医学、瑜伽及冥想等。 They are NOT REPLACEMENTS for any formal treatments, and cannot be used as a medical treatment. They are NOT part of counseling and psychotherapy. 辅助疗愈不是心理治疗的一部分;不能代替常规治疗,也不涉及医学治疗。 The following are …

Brainspotting 脑点治疗

Brainspotting, developed by David Grand, PhD, is a form of brain-body treatment modality. 脑点治疗是由David Grand博士研发的脑身心相结合的综合治疗方法。 It is established on the premise of “Where you look affects how you feel.” Here is a simple to understand it: sometimes when we are lost in thoughts, our eyes naturally rest on a certain spot; as we gaze into …

[FREE] Five Senses Grounding Worksheet [免费下载]五感法着陆技巧中文版

Grounding techniques help to “ground” us in the present moment. “着陆技巧”是帮助我们立足眼下的技巧。 “Five senses” is a very simple grounding technique that can quickly brings one back to the here and now. “五感法”是着陆技巧中非常简单的一种,可以快速帮助我们把注意力带回到此时此刻。 The instruction is fairly self-explanatory: 五感法简单明了: Identify 1 thing tasted, 2 things smelled, 3 things heard, 4 things touched, and 5 things seen. 明确一种尝到的滋味,两种闻到的气味,三种听到的声音,四种触碰的质地,和五件看到的人事物。 …

[FREE]Food, Sleep, Mood Diary [免费下载]饮食,睡眠,情绪日志

In my holistic work with client, observing one’s diet, sleep, and mood has been an essential part of exploring and connecting with one’s body. 在身心合一的整全疗愈中,观察个人的饮食、睡眠、和情绪是自我探索和身体感知不可或缺的关键环节。 Although there are many free worksheets out there, I want to create one in Simplified Chinese and simple English that is visually pleasing to make it a fun activity to …

Domestic Violence 101 家庭暴力101讲座

On June 6th I provided a Domestic Violence 101 online lecture with Mutual Up, an online global learning community. 6月6日我与全球共同学习平台“一同成长”联合举办了线上家庭暴力101讲座。 This lecture was to provide an overview of domestic violence to: identify various types of domestic violence, understand the Power and Control Wheel, distinguish domestic violence and marital problems, and learn essential principles to help …

A Brief Intro to Music Therapy II 记音乐治疗简介线上培训(下)

On April 28th, 2021 I conducted the second part of the online training, Intro to Music Therapy, to WeSupport emotional support group leaders. 4月28日我再一次为WeSupport的义工组长们提供了音乐治疗简介的第二部分的培训。 This training continued the previous discussion on the benefits of music therapy by reviewing the key notions from E. Thayer Gaston; we then moved to the fun activity I’ve prepared for …


(本文首发于For A Safer Space) 每当新闻中爆出儿童性虐案时,大家的普遍反映是“想象不到什么样的人居然会做出这种事”;当然,这是比较文明的表述方法。 从事性暴力相关的心理咨询与受害者服务近七年,我的第一反应是:“什么样的人都有可能实施儿童性虐。”这意味着,性虐实施者可以是任何性别,任何年龄,任何种族,任何职业,任何社会地位等等。我的第二反应是,“儿童性虐比大家想象得要普遍得多。”这意味着,受害者可以是任何性别,任何年龄(未成年时),任何种族,任何家庭条件,等等。 儿童性侵的报告率非常低。成人向任何人提起童年时被性侵的可能性也非常低。即便是寻求心理咨询服务的客户里,大多数人不会从一开始就提起自己童年被性侵的经历。曾有一位客户,在接受与性侵不相关的心理咨询约一年半后,突然有一天向我提起,她曾在12、3岁的时候在叔叔家的时候遭到装修工人的性侵。 选择不提起的原因有很多,例如,想要追究施虐者的法律责任非常困难,担心会对身边人甚至施虐者产生负面影响(尤其当施虐者是家人或是家人的朋友),害怕因为社会污名(social stigma)而无人相信,记忆不够清晰或是完全没有记忆,对发生的事情是否是性虐感到困惑,或是对自己的判断的怀疑,等等。 本文的主要目的是向大众分享与传播与儿童性侵的成年受害人(adult survivors of child sexual abuse)相关的去污名化信息,以及如何成为有力有效的盟友。我认为,我们应当给予受害人选择是否袒露、向谁袒露、如何袒露、袒露多少的选择;“站出来”不应当是仅仅落在受害人的肩上,而是我们应当共同承担的责任。我希望,我们可以创造一个受害人不怕站出来、施虐者被追究相应责任的美好社会。 我们分几个部分: (一)儿童性虐的定义; (二)儿童性虐的多方面影响; (三)如何做有力的盟友 本文所分享的内容是根据我的专业知识与从业经验整理而成;我鼓励读者多方阅读科学研究证明、权威机构调查、各地区不同法律法规等等。 警报:本文含有直白的性侵语言,并且所讨论的内容可能触发不适以及心理创伤.请读者自行决定是否进行阅读、阅读的数量与速度。请主动进行自我关爱。本文不能代替专业心理咨询治疗,有需要的话请及时向专业人员求助。 如何定义儿童性虐? 儿童性虐的英文名称是Child Sexual Abuse (CSA)。讨论儿童性虐的第一个难题是:如何下定义?这个问题的答案说容易也容易,说复杂也复杂。 我们先来看一组不同机构组织下的定义: 根据世界卫生组织1999年Consultation on Child Abuse Prevention (62),  “Child sexual abuse is the involvement of a child in sexual activity that he or she does not fully comprehend, is unable …

A Brief Intro to Music Therapy I 记音乐治疗简介线上培训(上)

I facilitated the first part of a two-part workshop on music therapy via Zoom with twenty-some Chinese participants on March 24th, 2021. 三月二十四日晚,我为二十余名华人心理义工提供了线上培训,共同学习探讨了音乐治疗的疗愈功能。 The highlight of the training is the call-and-response exercise, where each person create a rhythmic clapping pattern to represent and introduce themselves; upon hearing the rhythmic expression, their partner would mirror back …

Expressive Arts in Healing Trauma 浅析表达艺术的创伤疗愈

On the blizzarding first night of February, I provided a training to the volunteers at WeSupport on a brief overview of expressive arts as a collective modality for trauma treatments. 二月一日暴雪的夜晚,我为加华线上朋辈支持小组的义工们提供了一次培训,其目的是对表达艺术的心理创伤治疗进行简略的概观。 I am not an expressive arts therapist, nor can I claim to know in great depth of each of the art disciplines. But my …