Complementary Healing 辅助疗愈

Complementary healing modalities are used alongside conventional psychotherapy. 辅助疗愈是对心理治疗的补充和协助。 Some common complementary healing methods are: acupuncture, Qigong, massage therapy, herbal medicine, nutritional medicine, yoga and meditation. 一些常见的辅助疗愈包括:针灸、气功、推拿疗法、草药医学、营养医学、瑜伽及冥想等。 They are NOT REPLACEMENTS for any formal treatments, and cannot be used as a medical treatment. They are NOT part of counseling and psychotherapy. 辅助疗愈不是心理治疗的一部分;不能代替常规治疗,也不涉及医学治疗。 The following are …

Brainspotting 脑点治疗

Brainspotting, developed by David Grand, PhD, is a form of brain-body treatment modality. 脑点治疗是由David Grand博士研发的脑身心相结合的综合治疗方法。 It is established on the premise of “Where you look affects how you feel.” Here is a simple to understand it: sometimes when we are lost in thoughts, our eyes naturally rest on a certain spot; as we gaze into …

[FREE] Five Senses Grounding Worksheet [免费下载]五感法着陆技巧中文版

Grounding techniques help to “ground” us in the present moment. “着陆技巧”是帮助我们立足眼下的技巧。 “Five senses” is a very simple grounding technique that can quickly brings one back to the here and now. “五感法”是着陆技巧中非常简单的一种,可以快速帮助我们把注意力带回到此时此刻。 The instruction is fairly self-explanatory: 五感法简单明了: Identify 1 thing tasted, 2 things smelled, 3 things heard, 4 things touched, and 5 things seen. 明确一种尝到的滋味,两种闻到的气味,三种听到的声音,四种触碰的质地,和五件看到的人事物。 …