Brainspotting 脑点治疗

Brainspotting, developed by David Grand, PhD, is a form of brain-body treatment modality.

脑点治疗是由David Grand博士研发的脑身心相结合的综合治疗方法。

It is established on the premise of “Where you look affects how you feel.” Here is a simple to understand it: sometimes when we are lost in thoughts, our eyes naturally rest on a certain spot; as we gaze into that spot, we are tapping into the brain’s innate healing power.


It works directly with the autonomic and limbic systems by establishing the connection between an eye-position and the reported issue to release the core neurophysiological sources of the emotional pain and trauma.


Contrary to the impression the above description might give, Brainspotting is a deeply attuned process between the practitioner and the client. We are not mechanically working with an eye position; we are building deep connection on both relational and neurological level.


I have used Brainspotting to work with clients who are experiencing familial and developmental trauma, relational discord and abuse, creativity blocks and performance anxiety.


To know more about Brainspotting, please go to the official website at
