A Brief Intro to Music Therapy II 记音乐治疗简介线上培训(下)

On April 28th, 2021 I conducted the second part of the online training, Intro to Music Therapy, to WeSupport emotional support group leaders.


This training continued the previous discussion on the benefits of music therapy by reviewing the key notions from E. Thayer Gaston; we then moved to the fun activity I’ve prepared for the night.

我们紧接着上一次的讨论,首先回顾了E. Thayer Gaston音乐治疗理论中的关键论点;然后便进入到当晚的亮点练习。

In this activity, I invited each participant to select one that resonated with them at the moment; we then broke into three rooms where participants again listened to the music and jogged down their thoughts, feelings, and any written material the music reminded them of.


Participants were amazed how differently we each perceived the same music, and in the process of expressing and listening, showed empathy towards each others’ unique internal experience.


Due to time limits, we were not able to proceed to step III where we would create our own expression. But I am inspired by the engagement and genuineness of the participants.


I am grateful for another meaningful encounter with this group of compassionate people.


You may also be interested in: Expressive Arts in Healing Trauma and A Brief Intro to Music Therapy I.

你还可能感兴趣的有:《浅析表达艺术的创伤疗愈》和 《记音乐治疗简介线上培训(上)》

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